Sunday, November 28, 2010

the stepmother....

the father and the maid got married 10/3/1970 and had two sons in the next two years... willie and ej...we were happy we had brothers finally...about things started to the maid/stepmother was a girl scout leader..ugh....she treated the girls in the group...and ignoring and embarass us her damn step children....i remember going to church...that bitch sat up in the front pews..and we sat in the back of the church...and she was a sunday school teacher... who the fuck was she trying to empress....the times when we didnt do what she asked ..this is where the abuse sets in....we would get hit...stand in the corner for 8 hrs til our father came home...i can remember....when we did something wrong....and our father sitting in the dining room table and she sitting there telling on us...and he would slam with his fist on that table...she order him to give us a beating....we kids...would wear the pj and long underwear and the it wouldnt hurt so bad....when we talked back to the bitch...she put a dog pacifer in our mouths all day....we use to get hit with the wooden spoon on the back of our legs or the spatula...hit on the back..stand in the corner with our arms up...and everytime that bitch went downstairs...we use to shake our arms..cuz they were so heavy....early times...when she was time i complained about the was powdered milk....and she didnt make it right i mean come on...lumpy milk and i said something about it ..she threw the milk at me at my face at the dinner table..i got up and went to my room....god i hated her...still do.....

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