Sunday, November 28, 2010

more to the story...........

we use to get beat for a bad report cards....she hitting us all the something....a tid bit.....(all 5 of us girls....4 of them not me...hit the stepmother when they were 18ish...all 4 of them hit the bitch...not if i go to hell and i will go to hell...when that bitch dies i will make a point of it to be at that wake...busting out who she was and is and get all ghetto about it....i swear to god i will do this....cuz im NOT AFRAID........i will take video of use to crammed the bar of soap in our mouths if we talked back to about our father....thru all this he as a stinking talking drunk...everyday...and drove....never got a dui...weird....he had a business handed to him by his father...and he fuck it all up...i remember working at that paint store...while he was the bathroom...(i will tell you what i think about that later in my story...) father yelled alot..and hit us..when she you know that when we had holidays dinners...and they sat at the dining room table...and he got real butter on his potatoes..we got margarine...wth...with that...omg...we use to stand in line at that dining room table when we were she told him what the hell we did....alot of slamming that fist on the table...remembering when we went to family functions her sisters...and my dad drinking and going out with uncle john...(i can guess one thing later in my story....).....but the best secert is this... my father when he was drunk...beat the shit out of the stepmother...for years...and we all saw this...ususally was happening in the washer and dryer room....beatin her ass.....(note) the time i was 18 i knew in life...a man would never lay his hands on me....and im almost 51 not ever has a man beat me....and if i happen i would kill the fucker....i can remember the last time my father hit me..i was 18...cont..........

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