Monday, November 29, 2010

drunken idiot...........

to get to when he hit me last...a story before that....leslie my to me..this pride and joy and his golden daughter who did nothing wrong in his eyes....she had long blonde hair...she was on the dance team all four years of high school...he went to her performances...all the time...late but was there..he only showed up to one of mine things...powder football my jr year in school...and he showed up late and drunk to that....last yr of her dance he went to her dinner ceremony...drunk as hell....and she had to deal with him...when i think about had to go to work one day... and he wasnt working at the time..and he was in bed...she knock on this door to take her to work...he said ask your sister...Me....well i said hell no...i had the day off...she went down starirs and boohoo cryed to him...he came up out of the room...butt ass naked...(ewwwwwwwwww) and took my brothers plastic yellow baseball bat and threw it and hit my face.....cuz i was suppose to take his daughter to work....i keep thinking til this day i should of took the car and run.....but i didnt....

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