Saturday, January 8, 2011

good ole dad

well in 1976 he hit some kid and smashed a bike on larchwood...apparently sue remembers this kid hit her in the head with a can...and thats why my dad hit the kid...i found out who it was and someone on fb send my message to this kid...dont know why im saying sorry for what my dad did... but the biggest thing he did....was public indecency at maple grove forest preseve...he got busted right was a cop he.....OMG lets just say he could be call sexual in life...this hapen in 1990 so that wasnt in the norm just we all know the father is gay...i may have to look it cook,kane and lake countys....without naming names...he asked a friend of ours for sex in the 70'>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>does anyone remember when someone spray painted our house with the word homo on it.........